Lanat Help


Arguments have plenty of options to customize their behavior. All of these options can be set in either an Argument instance, or in the ArgumentBuilder when creating an argument.


The name or names (aka aliases) that the argument can be referred to by. Single character names can be used in argument name lists (e.g. -abc), each alphabetic character being an argument name, that is, -a -b -c.


An argument type that will be used to parse the user input into a value for this argument.

Default value

Sets a value to use when the user does not provide one.

Argument.create(new IntegerArgumentType(), "number") .defaultValue(10);

Marks the argument as required. If the user does not provide a value for this argument, an error will be thrown by Lanat indicating that the argument is missing.

By default, arguments are not required.


Marks the argument as a positional argument. Positional arguments are arguments that do not need to have a name specified when being used. That is, the user can directly provide the value for the argument without specifying the argument's name.

@Argument.Define(positional = true) public int number;
myCommand 123 # or myCommand --number 123

Specifies that this argument has priority over other arguments, even if they are required. This means that if an argument in a command is set as required, but one argument with unique was used, then the unused required argument will not throw an error.

As an example, arguments like --help or --version are usually marked as unique, since they are expected to be used alone and not with other arguments. It also doesn't matter if some other required arguments are not provided.


The prefix is the character that precedes the argument's name in the command line input. It must be a value defined in the Argument.PrefixChar enum.

Argument.create(new IntegerArgumentType(), "number") .prefix(Argument.PrefixChar.SLASH);
myCommand /number 123

Makes the argument visible or hidden in the help message. By default, arguments are visible.


A description of the argument. This is used in the help message to describe what the argument does.

Representation Color

The color of the argument's representation in the help message. This is used to visually differentiate the argument from others. The value is a Color. Both TrueColor and SimpleColor are available from the terminal text formatter library.

Argument.create(new IntegerArgumentType(), "number") .representationColor(TrueColor.of(0xeffd12));
Last modified: 30 April 2024